“A different kind of dining experience”


Cartmell Dining Tables

When you buy one of my own handmade one off creations that are solid , sustainably sourced and with a story to tell. My dining tables really do speak for themselves and make the whole dining experience something completely different , unique and memorable.

Firstly some basic requirements are needed such as sizing , material and finish, then all you need do is sit back and relax. I will update you over the course of the development with pictures and text of how things are shaping up , until such a point where a delivery date is to be set for you to have your very own piece of cartmellfurniture.

What we Use

Live Edge

Live edge slab is a very characteristic board indeed , and the more exclusive of my range.

Sustainably sourced from homegrown woodland , the trees are cut and stored outside for many years and then at such a time they are brought in to be kiln dried for such uses as making one off pieces at cartmellfurniture and given a new lease of life.


‘The older the better’, Reclaimed timber really tells a story of industry and building. It is this history which I look for in the wood to then work with in my furniture and really bring it to the forefront of the piece.

Much like live edge it’s knots and grains cry out to the eye , impacting on your soul and really making you feel at one with the piece of furniture in front of you.


Cartmellfurniture does not just limit itself to using live edge and reclaimed timber, being a designer I am always adapting new materials into furniture from metal to glass , plastics to recycled materials, and beyond.

Wood Types


Without doubt the cream of the crop , the most luxurious of all woods in my honest opinion , think of your favourite tasting looking chocolate bar , well this is it in wood form


for me this is my goto wood , Oak has everything you could ask for and more , what I like most about this material is it’s wild nature of exploding pips to swirling grains.

It’s durable, and historical in that we have always used this strong material and that it is seen as representing us. Never had a saying been so true "Mighty oaks from little acorns grow"

Ash / Chestnut

Ash: It has beautiful swirly grain patterns and a creamy sheen when pale and ‘white’ but when given a natural coloured stain , it takes on a whole new dimension.

Chestnut: If you like oak then you’ll love sweet chestnut, and believe me this wood type is gorgeous. The colour is creamier than Oak, with some contrasting brown streaks, the grain is fairly coarse and again has similar Rhythms to oak